About the author : Rodrigo Branco Matsumoto

Meet Rodrigo, our chief remote pilot here at Sky Perth, where he's been transforming aerial videography into captivating stories for over eight years. At the heart of Rodrigo's work lies a profound passion for both the art of flying and the art of storytelling. This combination has led his work to be featured on platforms like Netflix, Stan, AppleTV+, Paramount+, Disney+, SBS On Demand, and even internationally with ZDF in Germany.

Rodrigo's aerial videography and photography journey is a testament to his dedication to mastering this unique craft. From capturing the vast beauty of Australia's landscapes to the dynamic energy of urban life across the globe, his work offers viewers a fresh, sky-high perspective. It's not just about the technical expertise of handling a drone; for Rodrigo, every flight is an opportunity to tell a story, to reveal the unseen, and to share a new viewpoint with the world.

Renowned for his collaborative spirit and innovative approach, Rodrigo brings more than technical skills to every project at Sky Perth. Whether working on a documentary, a TV series, or a bespoke project, his focus remains on creating visuals that resonate deeply with audiences. His commitment to quality and ability to capture the heart of a story make him a skilled pilot and a storyteller of the skies.

Do you want to know more about Rodrigo? Check his website: rodmatsumoto.com

Have you ever wondered why certain brands become timeless icons while others fade into obscurity?

Building a brand that stands out and withstands the test of time is a monumental achievement in a world where consumers are bombarded with endless choices. What separates fleeting trends from iconic brands lies in the vision, strategy, and values instilled by their founders. Let’s explore lessons from top entrepreneurs who’ve mastered the art of branding.

Emphasise Design and Innovation
Steve Jobs was a visionary and a master of innovation and design. Apple’s success can be attributed to its relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to creating products that marry functionality with aesthetic appeal. Jobs believed in the power of design to attract customers and create an intuitive user experience.

Adaptability and Customer Focus
Reed Hastings turned the entertainment industry on its head by focusing on customer convenience and adapting to technological advancements. Netflix’s evolution from a DVD rental service to a streaming giant and now a content creator shows the power of adaptability in branding.

Content and Voice Consistency
Arianna Huffington understood the significance of a consistent voice and high-quality content. The Huffington Post became a trusted name in the news by providing diverse perspectives under a unified brand voice that resonated with readers globally.

Visionary Branding and Social Proof
Elon Musk has built brands that reflect his vision for the future. Tesla isn’t just a car company; it’s a symbol of the move towards sustainable energy. Musk’s use of social media as a branding tool has also proven the immense value of building social proof in the digital age.

Customer Obsession and Brand Trust
From an online bookstore to the everything store, Jeff Bezos credits his success to being ‘customer-obsessed.’ Amazon’s brand is built on the trust that it will deliver anything you need reliably and quickly.

Authenticity and Community Engagement
Sheryl Sandberg (former COO of Facebook) has championed the importance of authentic leadership and community engagement. Facebook has maintained its status as a giant in social media by fostering an environment where users feel connected and heard.

Building a lasting brand requires more than just a great product or service; it demands foresight to set trends, the resilience to evolve, and the authenticity to engage with customers on a human level. These entrepreneurs didn’t just create products; they created legacies. They remind us that the actual prize in business isn’t just financial success but making something that enriches lives long into the future.

As we draw inspiration from these titans of industry, we must ask ourselves:

  • How are we embedding these lessons into our branding strategies?
  • What legacy are we aspiring to build?

Please share your thoughts.


Rodrigo Branco Matsumoto.

Source: https://rodmatsumoto.com/storytelling/building-a-brand-that-lasts-lessons-from-top-entrepreneurs/

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